
Showing posts from November, 2020

Les Misérables #12

 The bishop notes that many people think that you are lucky to become successful or wealthy. The other bishops have luxurious things and who wear big miters and also have influence and on the other hand, the bishop Bienvenu has none of that.

Les Misérables #11

The way the bishop thinks is different because he says that the bishop's first charity is being poor meaning the bishop giving up his possessions to help others and putting people first rather themselfs. The bishop doesn't care what people's ideas are or the way they think if they need help he is one of the first ones to lend a hand. 

Literature Analysis

Basic:  Plot: Thomas Hunter can live in 2 separate realities by sleeping in one dream so then he can live in the other dream and vice versa. One reality being in the future where humanity died off by a virus that mutated in extreme heat and the other is present-day earth where the company who made the virus is yet to be announced. So, Thomas Hunter tries to fight the person who started the virus and also fighting an evil being in the other reality which future earth. Morning Routine: (1) I believe the author is lazy to get up but when he works he works hard. (2) I believe this because some authors put certain personalities/traits in their characters. The author clearly drinks coffee. (3) Probably meditates so he can have a sound mind while writing down the book.  (1) On page 43 "adrenaline... makes your head weak... you have plenty of muscles to fight, but no muscle to think." Maybe it shows that to start thinking better he needs to train his brain and so coffee could get you...

Les Misérables BK2 #1

 Jean Valjean who was in prison for 19 years judged shamed by everyone suddenly is about to cross paths with the Bishop who is not the protagonist. Jean Valjean was rejected lodging and dining from everyone and everywhere he asked even a dog rejected him staying in the kennel. He says that he doesn't turn back because he knows what he is about to see the eyes of people shaming him while he is walking out. This reminds me of when people say don't look at your past if not your future or something along those lines. He is sad but strong at the same time which is weird because when you feel sad you feel like doing nothing and you feel weak. I liked this chapter even though it was long but it was good.

Les Misérables #10

 What shocked me was that the bishop came to the man to ask for his blessing and when he kneels down and the moment he raised his head he saw that the man has died. Also, that he used august and the word expired instead of "he died". The man that was fighting against the evil of the world (government) (tyranny) with all his power he ended up being hunted down.


 Journal #1 10/28/20  I'd jump cause why not to me its the same thing as walking down the street and the chances of there being a drunk driver are there and there is no way going around unless you stay at home won't have to deal with it.  Journal #2 10/27/20 I think freedom must be taken... why? Well because true freedom means doing whatever you feel like doing without consequences like doing evil, though there is still evil in this world. So we have to take the freedom of certain things to achieve freedom of the good and not the evil.  Journal #3 10/20/20 I'll do nothing with the 50 million dollars because my greed will take over. I'd rather make and earn 50 million dollars. 

idk #2

11/11/20 (0.0) the new schedule is something...  11/16/20  ooopps I have 27 missing assignments out of nowhere what the heck... 11/16/20 pt2 Reminder: update the theme of the blog. 11/16/20 pt3. Reminder: Got to catch up on Les Mis... 

Les Misérables #9

 The fact that he fears nothing or fear won't stop him (Bishop Digne) is amazing because many people and people today still have trouble with fear even I have trouble. I like that there isn't much training to the Bishops anti-fear it's just as simple as believing in God. Also, that Madam Bapstine and Magloire don't need to speak to know what he is saying or asking goes to show that they know him very well and have been with for quite some time. Even though they stress over him the start to realize they shouldn't be they know that the Bishop is a good man that helps people in need.