
Showing posts from October, 2020

Les Misérables #8

 The fact that someone tried to talk to the Bishop like there was no God, but the person sort seemed like he wanted to be God. So if there isn't a God then there isn't a way to become God. Also, the person just doesn't want to take responsibility he wants to be himself and justifies it by being a mere human. Though I liked how the Bishop handled the situation even though the guy was just talking badly of the Bishop's beliefs. 

Les Misérables #7

 The fact that the Bishop went across a mountain to go meet with the village living there without an escort since there are bandits that would still from everyone that would go there is quite fascinating. He only took a guide to take him towards the village. When the Bishop encountered the bandits the bandits gave the Bishop all of which they took from and then the Bishop gave those to the people since he questioned if the place the bandits took it from actually need it.

Les Misérables #6

 I liked that whenever the Bishop did something that was luxurious he did it without taking something away from the poor so they weren't affected. He kept silverware since he has trouble renouncing it and he wouldn't fasten the door neither at day or night and he would pray to the Lord to protect and guard his house.


     I found the book name and it called  Black: The Birth of Evil  by Ted Dekker the reason I chose this book is that I never got finish this series and it was brought to me by my 8th-grade teacher I was quite interested in it, but never did try to find the book for myself to read it. The reason I liked it is that a man named Thomas was living in two separate realities and both were connected into one. One is the present time and the other being far in the future. The present-day reality is going suffer from a pandemic from a virus that was man-made by one guy looking for total power and he does that by making a virus that he has a vaccine to and instead of giving for free he monopolizes it for power and money. Though this is only a fraction of what the book is about I got more interested in it right now because of the pandemic we are experiencing and the election for the highest seat in office. 

Les Misérables #2

 It's sad to hear that a person dies of a disease rather than of age, also must be sad for M. Myriel to see his wife die somewhere they recently moved to because of something bad that was happening where they use to live so the bad things kept pilling up M. Myriel had no kids with his wife so it must be lonely. I like the fact that they compared two women so differently one being nice and kind and the other fat and grumpy.


Journal #1 8/25/20  I find history interesting some don't. What I find interesting the most though is ancient civilization because I love reading about the way people use to live, interact with others, and how they work and what they worked on.  Journal #2 8/27/20 When I get called on by accident it feels like waving back at someone who wasn't waving at you in the first place. Journal #3 9/11/20  I would conquer the world. 


 Journal #1 8/20/20 Age is weird to me because everyone wants to be a certain age because they think it will come with benefits or they think life would become easier. Young people want to be older and older people want to be young again. Young people have more perks than being old when you are young we probably don't get much backlash of the dumb things we do because we are young we don't need to be paying income tax and all these things adult have to pay for. Older people want to experience once again the fun they had or they want to experience things they weren't able to experience when they were young because of certain things. Some older people want to be young again so they can stop paying for certain things like mortgages, loans, rent, credit bills, and etc. I believe are true ages should be based on our mindset the way we think the way we act.  Journal #2 8/24/20 Things I thought were okay to do or were good things to do were spending hours playing video games, eati...


 The reason the people of France rebelled was that the King/Queen didn't do anything that benefitted the people and only did things that benefitted themselves they put themselves before the people. So, the inequality between Kings/Queens and nobles between those that are poor is noticeable noblemen had privileges they took for granted and had that the poor people didn't have. 


 What I enjoy about reading is that when I read an interesting I feel like I am in the book I just want to keep reading and what I dislike about reading is when a teacher or someone forces us to read a book or just picks a book that we dislike and the teacher knows, but still continues to read it. Well, what I actually dislike about reading is that when a book has a really good book cover and it looks so interesting, but when you start reading it just the opposite of what you expected. Also, I don't want to analyze a book or do an essay on a book because when you are caught up reading an interesting a book that just makes you feel like your in the book you don't have time to think about all these things the teacher said to think about while reading. The four recommendations were first to read a book that you love, second find what you dislike about a book so you have a better understanding of what you love to read, third redefine the word "read" and make your own defi...

Les Misérables #1

 I feel like M. Myriel was set in life like he doesn't really need to worry about much. Something that caught my attention is that M. Myriel was married at an early age and that it was an arranged marriage, so I wonder how he felt during this event or did he just along because he didn't or something. When they talked about the "Revolution" are they talking about the French revolution?