
Showing posts from September, 2020


 1) Some symbols that I have encountered in life are the peace signs, the statue of liberty, and a personal one is the bible. 2) One possible meaning is that you're the boat and the dock ship is for a boat to stop, but there's a green light so it might mean that you should keep going rather than stopping. Another possible meaning is that it's your time to dock so to stop what your doing and do something else. 3) We are similar to animals by communication, how reproduction works, and how we need to eat to survive.  4) We think more than other animals we invent things that came from dreams or out of nowhere and those ideas came from our brain our way of thinking gave us ideas to create even destroy.  5) When you tell a story you could tell a story that inspired you, a story that made you who you are, or a story that tells people how you got to that certain point in life. This can make people gather around because they feel interested in you and they want to learn more about...


 I feel like the preface/book in general would last for a long time because those same problems going on in the 18th century is still going on right now in some country. I think the fact that we still haven't fixed poverty it astonishing because its a problem that has been going on for a long time. 



Essay: Do Opinions Matter?

          Why do we have to argue about an opinion even we say we are entitled to have an opinion it ironic to think we do have a right to have an opinion when there's someone there to try to oppose your opinion. Though it hardly ends in a good way or it does not even have an ending because a person "I am entitled to my opinion." Which ends the whole argument to begin with and both people ended up nowhere because of that statement.       Arguing an opinion gives up the right to even have an opinion because both have an opinion, but both can't settle with each others opinion. So, if we give up the right that we are entitled to our own opinions we can as a group search for the truth because if we all work together we can go much further than having to settle with one idea.     Someone can have an opinion, but having one and then expressing them to someone else that has an opposite opinion "one of them must be suffering a rights violat...


I know exactly what to tell my support team about my learning: What has been the hardest part of starting school during the pandemic? The hardest part of starting school during the pandemic would be getting used to the online environment since your not face to face with teachers and not learning every single day and you are expected to learn on your own accord. What have you enjoyed the most about starting school during the pandemic? One thing I have enjoyed about starting school during the pandemic would be that the resources that you need are right in front of you instead of asking a teacher what/how to answer a problem you could search up things that could help you because teachers aren't available 24/7, but a computer/smartphone is if it's charged and has internet access it could help on the long run. What are your goals in this course this year? What do you want to learn or get better at? My major goal for this year is to start a useful habit that would benefit me in all...