Essay: Do Opinions Matter?
Why do we have to argue about an opinion even we say we are entitled to have an opinion it ironic to think we do have a right to have an opinion when there's someone there to try to oppose your opinion. Though it hardly ends in a good way or it does not even have an ending because a person "I am entitled to my opinion." Which ends the whole argument to begin with and both people ended up nowhere because of that statement.
Arguing an opinion gives up the right to even have an opinion because both have an opinion, but both can't settle with each others opinion. So, if we give up the right that we are entitled to our own opinions we can as a group search for the truth because if we all work together we can go much further than having to settle with one idea.
Someone can have an opinion, but having one and then expressing them to someone else that has an opposite opinion "one of them must be suffering a rights violation; one of them has a false belief"(The Irrelevant Right para.4). This most likely would cause a debate and this debate would end up nowhere where both parties are in disagreement and with no truth found and will have wasted their time on an argument/debate. The purpose of a debate is to get one side to believe the other side, but when one side says that they are entitled to their opinions the conversation or debate will automatically close and the debate would have ended nowhere and the debate would have lost its purpose. Instead, we should not close the argument, but rather use it as an excuse to find the truth because the truth could prove both opinion wrong or prove one's opinions were right though this won't happen if a person says "they are entitled to their opinion."
When we do use an argument as a way to bring forth the truth both parties will have a greater knowledge on that topic because they learned through their own opinion to search for the truth. When people disagree with something that can be proven that it can't be disagreed on, the same person would say"it's my opinion" though they know that they are wrong because they are technically going against the truth having these types of opinion. When society as a whole starts to give up the right to have your own opinion people can instead use the time instead of arguing with each other, but prove why you are wrong and this right. This would improve this country especially because this country has multiple parties and the main one is the democratic party and the republican party instead of having 2 separate views which mostly are just opinions on they think the country should be run they should have one view where it benefits the whole USA.
In conclusion, people have an opinion that can be totally wrong and when they find that they are wrong they say that they entitled to the way they think, but they shouldn't be entitled to believe the wrong. They should instead continue the argument and close the argument when they find the truth between their own opinions. This would help because instead of trying to prove an opinion right which mostly doesn't happen it does the opposite the more you search for the truth it proves the opinion wong instead because with this mindset this country could and should go further.
Great ideas here -- thanks for sharing!